When you talk about supply chain, there are three areas to consider: traditional supply chain management (the logistics of getting something from here to there), risk management and resilience, and IT management. When planning for cyber supply chain risk management, all of these buckets overlap. So, how do we make supply chain cybersecurity resilient?

As a federal business or supplier, it’s critical that you can ensure your stakeholders that you can still operate even if cybercriminals come knocking.

During this 45-minute, on-demand webinar, you’ll learn about:

  • Challenges suppliers face with emerging federal regulations
  • How recent cyber attacks have changed the landscape for federal employees and suppliers
  • The human element of cybersecurity and why it shouldn’t be forgotten in planning
  • The role enterprise risk leadership plays in cybersecurity strategies


  • John Cofrancesco: VP of Government for Fortress
  • Karl Wagner: Former CIA executive and CEO of BuddyCheque

Fill out the form to watch this webinar on-demand.